Oh, what year for CellWeaver…

09 | Achieving stable,
reliable high-performance connection on-board

Superyacht Technology Editor, Joanna Palmer, spent time with Wilko Darger CEO of CELLweaver at the Monaco Yacht Show about the companies journey over the last year.

Wilko came up with the idea for the business in 2010 whilst he was working elsewhere, he started developing the idea in 2011 and the first prototypes were developed in 2012.  The business itself was properly established in June 2015.  With a long history in the superyacht technology industry, Wilko had already developed a great number of contacts and a good reputation.  CELLweaver has enjoyed a steady growth since the business started with excellent feedback from ETO’s and captains; all recommending the products to their peers, so a lot of the growth of the business initially was by word of mouth.  They are now regularly found at Monaco Yacht Show, METS and Palma Yacht Shows and of course, visible through Superyacht Technology.

CELLweaver provides technology built specifically for use onboard superyachts, accommodating the technical and security requirements unique to the moving homes of ultra-private individuals. For that reason, their technology achieves an internet connection onboard that is more reliable and 4 times faster than regular 4G devices. In addition, with use of their amplifiers the yacht can stay connected within 20 nautical miles (35km) from shore which covers virtually all locations where the vessel is while having guests onboard.  Yachts regularly are astounded by the immediate start of their movies and no buffering at all.

Each 4G connection is different in its performance compared to the other ones in a single point in time. Instead of dividing the load evenly between the 4 connections like most other 4G devices do, CELLweaver uses proprietary algorithms to spread the load asynchronously depending on the performance of each 4G connection. That is achieved through the CELLweaver device onboard and a counterpart in the data centre. In that way, our technology allows to utilize all bandwidth available from all four 4G sources and is the only way to achieve a stable reliable high-performance connection.  When there is very high demand it is possible to stack multiple CELLweavers across up to 12 4G connections too.

Unlike other 4G devices, CELLweaver uses a proprietary technology not only to encrypt but also to split the user data in unpredictable asynchronous combinations between the four 4G connections. Even if someone manages to get a hold of one stream and decrypt a very secure AES encryption the data will not make sense without the counterparts transmitted via the other 3 channels. And it is virtually impossible to get a hold of all four streams.

CELLweaver sale their products directly but they also have a great network of partnerships with well-known AV suppliers and integrators.  Their association with Deutsche Yachting is a seal of quality ot the business with their products all being made in Germany.

With the recent launch of their Cellweaver SC ‘Super Charged Cellweaver’ have had a very busy year. Looking forward to 2019 they will continue to improve and develop systems as networks develop.  They will also continue to improve their amplifiers to provide their customer with the best possible results.

This is one technology business that we will be watching very closely.

Watch our interview with
Wilko Darger

Watch our interview with Wilko Darger from METS 2017

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